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I've Been Everywhere

Hickam AFB, Hawaii

A poor shot from Google Earth of the runway at PHNL/Hickam

A view of the ramp at Hickam taken when there were still some 141's sitting there while the crew partied downtown. Non-A was almost always a sure thing at Hickam!

Bill Weeper sent in these photos he took of the Green Bench and enlisted barracks. Rumor has it that the Green Bench was 'liberated' by members of a squadron from Norton. If anyone has details (or picture of the bench on their patio) please let me know!

George Duffy
Jun 11, 2007

I know what happened to one of the Green Benches. It was 'procured' for the 86th MAS briefing room sometime around 1979 or 1980. It sat there in the squadron until it was deactivated in the 90's. Whenever someone from the squadron who actually used the venerable Bench retired, he was awarded 'The Order Of The Green Bench'. It consisted of a plaque from Clark, a certificate and a miniature of the Bench. It was a solemn and tasteful ceremony with the award going to officer and enlisted alike.

I myself was too late to have used the original Bench. I came to the squadron in October of 78 and it had only just recently been retired. There was; however, a suitable sub in its place at Hickam which served the same purpose for us FNGs. Ask anyone who was in the 86th MAS from 1979 until the bitter end and they will confirm this. I'm not sure but I think our brothers next door in the 7th MAS had the other one.

George Duffy
MSgt ret. USAF
C141A/B Flight Engineer

Old Enlisted Barracks. Looks like the Fire Department is nailing the doors shut! It must have been quite a party.

Gail Meyer sent in these pics of the barracks and billeting office.

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