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6,853 Days since the last flight of the C-141
The Sound of Freedom

Hear it! It's Better LOUDER!!

Greetings Fellow C‑141 Enthusiasts!!

I'm a former C‑141 pilot who lives in Tucson AZ, not far from the Davis-Monthan bone-yard, where virtually all C‑141's were scrapped. It was a very sad thing to see.

After watching this travesty I started a project to put up this non-commercial web site with photographs of EVERY C‑141 that ever existed and ANYTHING else related to the C‑141. This includes pictures of ground operations, maintenance activities, cargo loading/unloading, passengers, crew bus adventures, transient quarters horror pictures, faces and places, .. just about anything you can think of .. as long as it is somehow related to the C‑141.

If you flew or worked in the Air Force for any time, on any aircraft (even if it was not a C‑141!) , in any capacity, to anywhere in the world, you might have some C‑141 pictures in a photo album or shoe-box under the bed just gathering dust and waiting to see the light of day. If you have any photographs, slides, or negatives of the C‑141, in any of its several versions and colors, and would be willing to contribute them for posting on this site, please let me know. I have the ability to scan 35mm slides, negatives, prints, and of course, can I accept any digital pictures you might have.

I've been getting lots of great material from lots of diverse sources. A guy named Bob Cogen signed the guest book on August 31, 2004, shortly after this site was started and nicely summed up the feelings of just about everyone who ever had anything to do with the C‑141:

Add up all the experience of every crew dog, GI, POW, dependent, patient and evacuee that benefited from the C‑141 and you can begin to realize how much this veteran aircraft contributed. The C‑141 made a real difference to our country and the world. That long green tube has seen it all: life, death, hope, despair, triumph, and tragedy. Yet through it all it has been a steadfast friend that gave more than could be expected.

It is sad to see the end come. Our powerful friend is now old and tired. It helps to remember the Starlifter's time was spent with the best people doing their best work for the best country in the world. What an honor it has been.

Any materials you provide will be digitized and promptly returned and you will get proper credit on the web site. I am donating my time and web space. If you have a web site or business that sells photos or otherwise is commercial in nature (e.g., sells C‑141 or other aviation related merchandise) I will be happy to provide a link at no charge in exchange for pictures that can be posted on this site. If you just loved the C‑141 and want to see it live on in C‑141 Heaven, now is the time to send your pictures and T‑Tail Tall‑Tales .

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Mike Novack Contact me via this link

Thanks in advance for anything you can send along to share.

Browse and Enjoy!

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